


n. 1.采伐森林,森林开伐 de fore adj.1.在前部的; 在头部的 station n.1.车站,火车站,公共汽车站

标签: deforestation资源



在日常的学习、工作、生活中,大家都写过作文,肯定对各类作文都很熟悉吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。那么一般作文是怎么写的’呢?以下是我为大家收集的Deforestation高二英语作文,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 As time goes , there are more and more world problems about nature and development. I think deforestation is the most serious environmental problem that the earth has to face. With more and more trees cut down, many kinds of birds or animals have no homes and become extinct. Just a few years later, we will no longer be able to see so many lovely and beautiful creatures which once exist. With more and more trees cut down, lots of good land become deserts. Then the soil will be washed away more easily ,which will eventually lead to floods and draughts .remember the Big Flood that broke out in 1998? Many people become homeless and I will never forget the sad and eager eyes of hundreds of children .But what we should realize is that it is we human beings that has strengthened the power of the flood, for we ve cut down so many trees near the Changjiang River. The disaster is just a response from nature, as well as a great pain to us. With more and more trees cut down, the power of the surface of the earth to control the climate is being reduced greatly. The earths surface temperature is rising little by little and finally cities along the seaside will be greatly affected. In fact, desertification, global warming and other big problems are all the results of deforestation. But many of us have not yet been clear enough about the importance of the problem .You may tell me that you yourself are quite aware of it. But do you still use the only-once chopsticks? And always think the paper handkerchiefs are not enough?



首先是句子翻译:Over-cultivation, over-deforestation, over-grazing, over-exploitation and over-use of water resources. In China ,the "five-over"is the cause of man-made desertification.说明:我给楼主的翻译,首先我绝对负责任的告诉楼主,我的翻译绝对正确。其次,更重要的是,本翻译通过押韵是吧本句读起来琅琅上口,更重要的是把“五滥”表达了出来。这也正是要翻译的重点。接下来是具体分析:楼主所要求的专业术语:Over-cultivation(滥垦)其中cultivation(耕作,开垦,中垦)deforestation(采伐森林,森林开伐)该词本身就有滥伐的意思,但为押韵及后面的“五滥”,在前面加上“over”,也非常的贴切。over-grazing(滥牧)其中grazing是牧场草场的意思。over-exploitation (滥采)其中explotion是开发开采的意思。overuse即过度使用过度利用的意思。(本来abuse也有滥用的意思,但没有,呵呵,楼主肯定知道为什么了)好坏楼主明鉴!小弟已倾其所有,殚精竭虑!

