


ROSE:I love you Jack.JACK:No... don’t say your good-byes, Rose. Don’t you give up. Don’t do it.ROSE:I’m so cold.JACK:You’re going to get out of this... you’re going to go on and you’re going to make babies and watch them grow and you’re going to die an old lady, warm in your bed. Not here. Not this night. Do you understand me?ROSE :I can’t feel my body.JACK: Rose, listen to me. Listen. Winning that ticket was the best thing that ever happened to me.JACK: It brought me to you. And I’m thankful, Rose.I’m thankful.JACK: You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will never give up... no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless... promise me now, and never let go of that promiseROSE:I promise.JACK:Never let go.ROSE:I promise. I will never let go, Jack. I’ll never let go.“我爱你。杰克。”"……别这样……没到告别的时候,……没到,……你明白吗?”“我很冷……”“……你会得救……会活下去……”他颤抖地喘息着,“呃,……会生……好多的孩子……子孙满堂,……你会长寿,……是死在暖和的床上……不是这儿,……不是今晚,不是……这么死,你懂吗?”露丝:“……我身体麻木了……”:“听着,听我说……我赢得船票……是一生……最幸福的事情……”我……能认识你,……是我的幸运,露丝……我满足了。“……我还有……还有一个心愿……你必须答应,要活下去……不……不能绝望,……无论……发生什么,无论……多么……艰难,……快答应我,露丝,……答应我,一定做到,……”“……我答应……”露丝失声痛哭起来。……一定做到……”杰克的声音渐渐弱了下去。露丝哭着应道:“我一定做到,杰克……一定做到……

标签: 泰坦尼克号小品台词完整版



-Rose: Hello, Jack. I changed my mind. They said you might be up here …change one’s mind: 改变主意你好,Jack。我改变主意了。我听说你可能在这儿…-Jack: Give me your hand. Now close your eyes. Go on. Now step up. Now hold on to the railing. go on: 向前走 step up: 走上,登上 hold on to: 紧握,抓牢 抓住我的手。闭上眼睛。快啊。上去。抓住栏杆。Keep your eyes closed. Don’t peek.peek: 偷看眼睛闭好。别偷看。-Rose: I’m not. 我没偷看。-Jack: Step up onto the rail. Hold on. Hold on. Keep your eyes closed. Do you trust me?rail: 栏杆 hold on: 抓紧 trust: 相信踩到栏杆上。抓紧。抓紧。眼睛闭好。你相信我么?-Rose: I trust you.我相信你。-Jack: All right, open your eyes. 好了,睁开眼睛。-Rose: I’m flying. Jack. 我飞起来了。Jack。-Jack: “Come, Josephine, in my flying machine. Going up. She goes up. She goes…”flying machine: 飞机,飞船 go up: 上升,升起“来吧,约瑟芬,坐上我的飞机。一起飞翔。她飞起来。她飞起来…”-Rose: That was the last time Titanic ever saw daylight. daylight: 日光,白昼那是在泰坦尼克号沉没前的最后一个白昼。-Brock: We’re up to dusk, the night of the sinking. Six hours to go.up to: 达到,接近 sinking: 沉没我们说到沉船当晚的黄昏。还有六小时。-Lewis: Incredible. There’s Smith, and he’s standing there…incredible: 难以置信的 难以置信。那个Smith船长,and he’s got the iceberg warning in his fucking hand.iceberg: 冰山 warning: 警告,警报 fucking: (俚语,用于加强语气)他妈的他已经接到该死的冰山警报了…Excuse me, his hand, and he’s ordering more speed. order: 命令 speed: 速度请原谅我说粗话,但是他居然还下令提速。-Brock: Twenty-six years of experience working against him. He figures anything big enough to sink the ship,experience: 经验 against: 对…不利,对…有害 figure: 认为 enough: 足够的,充分的 sink: 沉没二十六年的航海经验反而坏事。他以为能让船沉没的大家伙,they’re gonna see in time to turn. But the ship’s too big with too small a rudder. gonna: 《美俚》=going to,将要 in time: 及时 turn: 改变方向,转弯 rudder: 舵 一定能提前看见,来得及躲。可是船体太大,舵太小。Doesn’tcorner worth a damn.corner: 拐弯 worth a damn: 【毫无价值】根本没办法急转弯。Everything he knows is wrong. 他的知识都不起作用了。



It’s getting quiet. ( Shivering) It’sjust going to take them a couple of minutes to get the boats organized. I don’t know aboutyou but I intend to write a stronglyworded letter to the White Star Line about all this. ( ScatteredMoaning AndPleadingln Distance) I loveyou,Jack. Don’tyou do that. Don’tyou sayyour good-byes. Notyet. Doyou understand me? I’m so cold. Listen, Rose... you’re going to get out of here. You’re going to go on and you’re going to make lots of babies and you’re going to watch them grow. You’re going to die an old... an old ladywarm in her bed. Not here. Not this night. Not like this. Doyou understand me? I can’t feel my body. Winning that ticket, Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me. It brought me toyou... and I’m thankful forthat, Rose. - I’m thankful. - ( Crying) You must-- You must-- You must do me this honor-- You must promise me thatyou’ll survive thatyou won’t give up no matterwhat happens no matter how hopeless. Promise me now, Rose and never let go ofthat promise. I promise. Never let go. I will never let go,Jack. ( Shivering) I’ll never let go. - ( Kisses HerHand) - ( Both Shivering) Crewman: Right ahead, sir. Lowe: Oars! Doyou see any moving? No, sir. None moving, sir. Checkthem. Bring that oar up here. Checkthem, make sure. These are dead, sir. Now give way. Ahead easy. Careful with your oars. Don’t hit them. ( Shouts): ls there anyone alive out there? ( FaintAndEchoing): Can anyone hear me? Is there anyone alive out there? We waited too long. Well, keep checking them, keep looking! Is there anyone alive out there? Can anyone hear me? ( RoseSingingSoftly AndHaltingly) ( SingingSoftly) "And it’s up she goes. " " Up she goes. " ( ContinuesSinging) ( Lowe’s Voice, GarbledAndSlow) Jack? Jack. Jack. Jack, there’s a boat. Jack. Jack? Jack. Jack! Jack. ( Faltering): There’s a boat,Jack. Jack? ( CryingSoftly) ( Weakly): Come back. Come back. ( Voices OfSearchers) Come back. Come back. Come back. ( Louder): Come back, come back. Hello! Can anyone hear me? There’s nothing here, sir. Come back. Come back. I’ll never let go. I promise. ( Sobbing) ( Grunting) ( Blowing Whistle Faintly) ( BlowingStronger) ( Faint Whistling) - ( Louder Whistling) - Come about! ( Blowing Whistle Loudly) ( WhistlingReverberates Faintly) , people went into the sea when Titanicsankfrom under us. There were boats floating nearby and only one came back. One. Sixwere saved from the water myself included. Six... out of ,. Afterward, the people in the boats had nothing to do but wait-- wait to die, wait to live... wait for an absolution that would never come. Oh, sir, I don’t thinkyou’ll find any ofyour people down here. It’s all steerage. Woman: His hair is reddish brown. Reddish brown. Reddish brown and a white beard. Woman: lsn’t there another passenger list? - There’s no other list. - Perhaps he’s on another ship. - We’re doing all we can, ma’am. - There’s got to be another list! That’s thelasttime leversawhim. Hemarried, ofcourse, andinheritedhis millions butthe crash of’ hit his interests hard andheputapistol in his mouth thatyear or so I read. ( Rain Drizzling) Can I take your name please, love? Dawson. Rose Dawson. Thankyou. We neverfound anything onJack. There’s no record of him at all. No, there wouldn’t be, would there? And I’ve never spoken of him until now. Not to anyone, not even your grandfather. A woman’s heart is a deep ocean ofsecrets. But nowyou know there was a man namedJack Dawson and that he saved me -, 先就这些吧,希望是你想要的,你如果想要更多的话,你可以到网站上下载,射手网,希望对你有帮助,祝你好运!!1


泰坦尼克号的完整台词 要中英对照

“你好,杰克……我改变主意了,我到处找你……”一个极微弱的、似乎是来自天边的声音叫醒了杰克,这声音虽然又轻又低,但对杰克却如同惊雷,他不仅听得准听得清,还像被震荡了似的跳了起来。 露丝就在身后几米远处站着,她心平气和,举止泰然,看得出从上等舱到这里,她已在泰坦尼克号上走了不少的路。这一路上她早已调整好了自己的情绪唯物史观体系的基本思想——生产关系思想(参见《列宁全,自己的步伐,展现在杰克•道森面前的是一个崭新的,完整的、结束了分裂的人格,弥补了心灵断层的露丝,因此她显得那样从容不迫,沉稳得就像一尊雕像。 一个人的蜕变往往就在几个小时之中,一下子一切都更新了,老的躯壳脱了下来,一个生命死了,另外一个已经诞生…… 几分种前还一脸沮丧的杰克,顿时像吹了仙气般来了精神,他的眼睛睁导大大的,亮了,放出了火光,抑制不住的快乐情绪使他容光焕发,他情不自禁地伸出手臂,扑向露丝……但立刻,他又停止了,用手示意正欲走过来的露丝,让她先不要动…… 失望和消沉一扫而光,杰克又恢复了乐观豪爽的天性,他要带露丝去体验一下人生难得的一瞬——那种腾空欲飞的仙境…… “嘘……”杰克用手指按了一下嘴唇,表示要露丝安静别出声,露丝顺从地屏住了呼吸。 “把手给我……闭上眼睛,快闭上,来,跟着我,上来,抓住栏仟,抓紧了,别睁开眼,不准偷看……”杰克像对小孩子说话似的嘱咐着露丝,露丝的手在他的手中紧紧握着,她被引导着朝前走了几步,然后登上一个台阶。又向前走了几步,又辽上了一级台阶。露丝的眼睛一直闭着,尽管不习惯,但她很放心,杰克手的力量传递给她,使她虽然看不见,也走得很平稳。 当露丝感觉到自己身体的位置高了许多时,杰克把手放在她的两只手上,帮她牢牢抓紧了栏杆。杰克伏在露丝的耳边问道:“相信我吗?”露丝笑着回答:“我相信你!”然后,杰克站在露丝的背后,紧紧贴着她的身体,将露丝的双手从栏杆上拿开,与自己的两臂同时展开,伸直,对露丝说: “好了,睁开眼睛吧!” 天啊!露丝惊叫着睁大了眼睛。这是何等壮丽的景观啊!一无遮拦的大海,海水激起的浪花就在脚下,除了杰克,露丝身边再没有任何生灵,所有的物质都已消失,泰但尼克号上的所有设置都退到了身后,似乎自己是直接浮出海面,或是从天而降,或干脆就置身海天之间。那感觉,像是海鸥贴海面的低空飞行,随时可以与海水媳戏,又像是从海中跃出的海豚,在海中随意翻滚,轻柔矫健。与杰克紧紧贴在一起的两臂,就是一对双人翅膀,它可以腾空,可以飞翔,可以到任何向往的地方…… 露丝的心就像新生婴儿的心一样烂漫天真,那清彻深沉的大海,那只剩下最后一抹霞光的天空,让她兴奋,令她超脱,她忘情地大喊着: “我飞起来了,我飞起来了,杰克!” 杰克紧紧地搂着她的腰,使她站得安稳。紧贴着她的耳垂,杰克喊道: “飞吧,飞吧,我的约瑟芬,坐上飞船和我一起翱翔吧!飞啊,飞啊,我们已经上了云霄……” 泰坦尼克号上传来了悦耳的小提琴声,抒情明快的旋律传达着对新生活的追求,热情奔放的节奏好以一曲胜利的凯歌,歌唱着杰克与露丝新的人生路程…… "Hello, jack... I changed my mind. I’ve been looking for you..." A very weak, seems to have come from the voice woke jack, this voice though was light and low, but jack was like JingLei, he not only, still can must distinguishable as shock was jumped up. Lucy is behind a few meters away, she stands calmly, can behave collected from the first-class cabin, here, she has in the Titanic left many paths. The way she had to adjust their mood materialism basic idea of system, production relations (see the thoughts of his pace, Lenin, show in front of jack Dawson is a brand-new, complete and ended up split personality, the heart of the fault, so she rose appears so leisurely and composed as a statue. One of the few hours at metamorphosis, suddenly everything new and old body off, a life of dies, another has been born... For a few minutes before a face of depression, jack blew XianQi immediately be like a spirit, to guide his eyes wide, light, the light, uncontrollable happy mood that his radiant, he couldn’t help to arm the rose... But immediately, he stopped, using hand signal is coming to the rose, let her first don’t move... Disappointment and depression are swept, jack and restore the optimistic nature, he will trace the DaiLou silk to experience life rare moment - to fly emptied the fairyland... "SHHH..." Jack press with finger to the lips, Lucy, Ruth quiet don’t hold your breath submissive. "Give me your hand... close your eyes, quick close, come, follow me, and caught hold micky column, don’t open your eyes, not peek..." Jack for kids speak like a rose, charge Lucy’s hand in his hands clasped, she was guided ahead for a few steps, then boarded a step. And go forward paces, and a step on the liao. Lucy’s eyes closed, although not habit, but she felt relieved, jack hand to her strength, although she see, also go smoothly. When Ruth felt a lot of body position high, jack put her hand to help her two firmly grasp the railings. Jack fell in Ruth’s ear asked: "trust me?" Ruth smiled answered: "I believe you!" Then, jack stood behind the Ruth clung to her body, Lucy’s hands from the railing, and his two arms unbend, simultaneously, for rose said: "Good, open your eyes!" Gosh! Ruth replied the zheng big eyes. This is how magnificent landscape! Say nothing, arouses the sea waves on foot, except for jack and rose again without any creature, around all substance has disappeared, but Nick’s all set to oneself is directly behind, it seems, or from the sea, or simply place the Haitian between. It feels like the sea gulls fly low post, can interfere with seawater, and like the dolphins and whales from the sea, in the midst of the sea, gentle rolling at himself. Stick together tightly with jack, the two arms is a double wings, it can vacate, can fly, can go to any place... Lucy’s heart is like the heart of a newborn baby brilliant naive, the deep sea, the clear only last a glow of the sky, let her excitement, she detached, she sniffed5 yelling: "I fly, I fly up, jack!" Jack tightly around her waist and make her stand. She clung to the ear, jack shouted: "Fly, fly, I sit on the ship and Josephine, I fly! Fly, fly, we have the sky..." The Titanic was a violin, lyrical melodies sprightly convey to the new life, passionate with a good rhythm, singing the song of victory jack and Lucy new life journey...














4、There is nothing I couldn’t give you, there is nothing I would deny you, if you would not deny me. Open your heart to me。


5、I love waking up in the morning and not knowing what’s going to happen, or who I’m going to meet, where I’m going to wind up。





1、What the purpose of university is to find a suitable husband.


2、Remember,they love money,so just pretend like you own a goldmine and you are in the club.


3、Will you give us a chance to live?


4、I love you ,Jack!


5、Only you can do that.


6、“You’re going to get out of here. You’re going to go on and you’re going to make lots of babies and you’re going to watch them grow and you’re going to die an old,an old lady,warm in your bed. Not here. Not this night. Not like this.”
















