


舞出我人生观后 心得体会 精选四篇




在理想与现实的碰撞下,自然而然就会产生出老师与学生、家长与子女价值观的碰撞,他们对于学业、未来乃至人生的态度,都自然而然地左右着一个个年轻梦想的生命力,这往往也是矛盾冲突的所在。本片的巧妙之处就在于,往故事中加入了一组新的矛盾,即“高雅艺术”与“街头 ”的碰撞,这不仅仅是男女主角的价值观一直存在矛盾的症结,也是男主刚进入艺术学院时处处“碰壁”,并且在价值观逐渐改变时与原先存在的价值观产生冲突的原因。这组矛盾不隐晦,而且导演还希望让你处处都能看到,最直观的体现就是“街舞”与“芭蕾”这两种艺术形式从出现,到冲击,到相融的过程。此外,导演还运用了大量的蒙太奇手法,交替展现出了两种截然不同的价值观背后所隐含的现实,让观众不自觉地就在心里比较出,在这两种价值观下,他们怎样生活、看待自己和对待未来。而且最终,本片也探讨出了让两种价值观相互适应,相互完善的可能。


说到艺术表现,就不得不提本片那个惊艳的开头。虽然只有短短的两分钟,却给我留下了非常深刻的印象,不仅“开篇点题”,而且还直接生动地展现了“街舞”混搭“芭蕾”(“流行”混搭“古典”)所产生的奇妙的化学效果。漂亮的剪辑配上悦动的活力,再加上精彩的街头 ,一下子就把观者带High起来了。在我看来,这个伟大的片头是足以载入影史的!如果说“街舞”混搭“芭蕾”这种新颖的点子已经亮了,那么贴切的配乐更是将“流行”混搭“古典”的概念给诠释到极致。听过黑人说唱 的人一定会注意发现片中虽然仍是说唱歌曲居多,可是配上的 却和嘻哈 的那种感觉完全不同。它更像是“学院”的 和“街头”唱腔的结合体,不仅格外动听,和舞蹈、剧情也是相映成辉。





由此不禁联想到很对人对年轻人的 ,舞蹈,喜好都嗤之以鼻的态度,他们自认为是从前辈走出来的,经历了风霜洗礼,是沉淀后的坚果,想当然以为现在流行歌曲大行其道都是些烦躁之音。而他们不明白,每个社会,每个时代都会有他的独特记忆,我们不能仅凭时间的久远与否就来评价某一事物的好坏或经典。从前的 以及老一辈的歌曲之所以能流传至今,与其时代烙印有着密切联系,每唱一次《我的中国心》,现在的中年人都会有一种肃静而骄傲的心情。因为他们对经历过的时代记忆犹新,他们深刻了解这首歌对他们和当时华人的意义,而我们却只能从字面了解它的意义。

但所有人都不应将当今的流行歌曲,说出舞蹈一巴掌打死,现在子所以满街小巷都有着快节奏的歌曲,正是年轻人内心所向往的自由和 。我们不得不承认这些 是极富感染力的,有人觉得这是一种肤浅,没有 底蕴的低俗,但这绝对是片面之词。一种 形式的存在必有其道理,人民也应该尊重当今的 取向,尽管有不少歌曲的确是低俗的,但高雅的或者说打动我们心灵的大有其在,只是因为果实是经历风霜之后的而一概否认其花果当初的鲜艳美丽,本身就是一种错误的价值取向。



同学聚会时,听同学说东方台的“舞林大赛”精彩之极,值得一看,不但舞者给力,杨丽萍等专家的点评更是上乘,我一直遗憾着未看上。没料想天遂人意,央视推出的《舞出我人生》让我大开了眼界,一饱眼福。这是一台美轮美奂的旷世佳作,一场空前绝后的视觉盛宴,它给了我心灵的震撼、美丽的享受,真是过足了瘾。舞台上,舞美的流光溢彩,灯光的绚烂璀璨,选手们精湛的舞艺,倾情的发挥,评委们中肯的指导,善意的批评,励志的名言,语重心长啊。每一个舞蹈背后的故事,舞者付出的艰辛,肢体语言所表达的心灵对白、灵魂交融---无一不深深感动着我,时时在我脑海里 涌动着,犹如烙印般深刻、清晰,留给了我不尽的感动、感悟和深深的感谢。
















诺拉和泰勒在港口边的阳台上共舞,在逆光里两人越靠越近,给人看到的只是少年男女自然的彼此倾慕---如果这是普通言情片,已可算及格。但这是舞蹈题材的电影,在这个电影类型里,舞蹈是无声的对白,导演如果只是像其他类型的电影那样动用光线、 和气氛渲染来叙事而不是让舞蹈说话,那是非常遗憾的。这一段男女主角的肢体语言和舞步编排没有给人留下任何印象,其他的很多场次里舞蹈语言的表达力也很薄弱,至少不像《独领风潮》里几场舞蹈的 四射,情绪饱满。




What can I say about Pixar? Amazing?? Perfect?? Got to see this at the Cannes Film Festival in France (went on a trip with my family) and Pixar gives us another instant classic: Up.
The movie focuses on 78-year old man Carl Fredrickson's (voiced by Edward Asner) life who always had a dream of going on a journey to South American to see the wilds of it. He buys thousands of balloons just to attach it to his house to float up in the sky. So, he starts with his journey up in the sky in his house with balloons attached to it. Suddenly, he's not alone and somebody's at the door while flying, it's a boy scout kid named Russell. He invites the boy with him on his journey to South America.
Just brilliant and simple story-telling, beautiful visuals as usual with Pixar, awesome voice work, funny and art dialogue, beautiful score once again by Michael Giacchino & very, very enjoyable characters. Speaking of characters, the highlight of the film: Dug the Dog. A sort of "robot" dog that will have you have you in a lot of stitches each scene that dog is in and that was the case with me. Simply, one of the funniest characters Pixar ever made. Pete Doctor, one of the four Pixar directors (John Lassester, Andrew Stanton, Brad Bird) who directed Monster's Inc (2001) needs and should get nominated for his clever, genius and art directing of this but if Stanton didn't get the nods for (Finding Nemo and WALL-E) and Bird for (The Incredibles & Ratatouille) which they should of been, then the Oscars are making another HUGE mistake for not nominating this guy for this movie.
Up is the funniest Pixar movie, funnier than the Toy Story movies, A Bug's Life & Finding Nemo which were the funniest, in my opinion. The movie is not just hilarious, it's emotional and sad at times. Like WALL-E, it focuses on the character feelings but not as magical as WALL-E. Still, Up is full of emotional, fun and hilarious proportions. Your in for a BIG ride in this!!
"Ice" the set begins with a bird veteran "Cock wire" squirrel Scrat caused by the mainland split, then began a mammoth Manny, saber-toothed tiger Diego, sloth Sid iron triangle and their kind are The family set adventure funny journey ...
Cock wire squirrel photographed much, but it will be earth-shattering, full of a "engage in engage in the array" guy, its motive is pure, nothing more than just pine cones, never thought of the enormous impact of their behavior, resulting in serious consequences, However when we disdain its behavior practices, and its specificity, adhere to the unremitting down that we can learn, as long as we see this as a family, to society, will naturally have achieved very good results.
Mammoth Manny, a big but cautious, loved his family, great play, her daughter, strict management and strict teaching: going out can not go beyond a certain range, is not free to make friends, especially the kind friends of the opposite sex, began her daughter did not understand, then after the ordeal, her daughter understand come to understand that blood is thicker than water and what is true friendship, friends, Manny is also modifications for a sterile woman thinking, in reality, the relationship of parents and children how to handle I think targeted, like father Manny and his daughter may give us much inspiration.
Saber-toothed tiger Diego, ferocious despot, the face of pirates led by the nagging wear lip monkeys, without fear that without fear, daring Hendou; However, the White Tiger Girl, second in command of piracy burnouts pitted after Heart unfortunately, gentle side that accentuates, is described as "the hero becomes a prisoner", the white tiger crush abandoned dark from the next;
Sloth Sid is, indeed, everyone dubbed "the most stupid and useless" in the name, has been abandoned by their families, but it is very simple and optimistic, gregarious and live comfortably, precisely the most useless key moment will be useful, Most of us are pushovers and do their own is their home, that is, to make contributions to society;
Finally, the ultra-sprouting Sid grandmother, because the old, the same as abandoned by their families, dependencies, and Sid (Sid will not abandon their grandmother), the elderly, had happened, even if the inconstancy of human relationships, but the mentality of super- step down when the cover I play: actually the whales when the pet (take a look at, you would dare to raise, only my super Meng grandmother), and finally also done a great save everyone, the elderly, there are many place in the play of their heat ... to support his caring for the elderly

To be honest, I've never seen anyone like Forrest Gump in a movie before.Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person can't be successful in doing anything. But, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire!
Forrest Gump not only shares his innocence and purity with others, ,he also manages to retain that innocence through some very difficult times. I love Forrest that he doesn't lose his purity through the movie, or maybe he just can't ,but either way, this shows us don't need to be evil or really intelligent to be recognised or successful.
It is just a movie, so maybe it doesn't work like that in reality.A simply means is that the acting and story of this film got a high level like the real . And in my definition that's what a good movie should be able to do.

I watched Hachiko: A Dog’s Story days ago, eyes filling with tear. It’s really a fantasticly moving film.
The plot went as: A college professor (Richard Gere) took in an abandoned dog and they formed an unbreakable bond. The dog arrived daily at the correct time at the station, to meet his owner. After the professor died while away from home, the dog kept vigil waiting for his master for nearly a decade.
To wait for your love for a decade, which contains almost the whole life-time of Hachi, it’s an incredible dedication that we human beings never has. This is why the film strikes us a lot.
No one has the ability to show his love to only one person during his whole life, let alone make friends with only one people; have the food that never changes year by year; do the same damn thing without complaining and conciousness of exhaustion. We can’t! However, what we could learn from Hachi is that we should never forget the one we once loved.
A detail in the movie catches my eyes. One day when professor was on his way to school, Hachi fetched the tennis ball as he was taught years ago. But during the last several years, he never did like that, because to fetch a ball in this way is not his instinct. Why Hachi did so? He wants to entertain his master for more palatable food, for a hug? I’m afraid not.
Research and statistics prove that pets are more sensitive in human’s potantial deseases than us do. Hachi fetched that ball because he knew that his master is going to die because of his heart desease. It’s his only way to hold him back.
Hachi has been waiting in the weeds, waiting for his only fellow to walk him home. His hope has been floating in the breeze, carrying his loneliness and misery all above the ground. Maybe professor knows, but he could never come back.
I watched a film in computer, the film is named <Ice Princess>.
Although this is a typical commercial film, but deeply touched my heart. Only sticking to dream can we realize to it. I remember when cancy gave up Harvard, she and her mother have such a conversation:
Mother: Cancy, you can't do this, you are giving up your dream!
Cancy: No, mom, I'm giving up your dream!
See here, I understand why this movie will have so much resonance. I feel like Cancy, the parent holding her give up her's dream, but never thought about whether her wants. I admire Cancy, when she faces her mother love things, but she doesn’t like to it, she has the courage to refuse it. A dream for many people, the word may indeed just a dream, only to survive in the heart, never thought I could go for, only too much because they can not cast aside, after the failure of total fear nothing. Indeed, the cruel reality can really frustrate a person's enthusia . Yes, I still want to give it ago, the same as Cancy.
The film also does make my mind suddenly had a big change, I began to call upon their past, are beginning to understand the way the future. It must be my own. The need to pursue the dream of the cost, I must learn to give up a lot of other things. Thinking many times, each time hit my heart. Touched me the most is that race credits Cancy, the mother arrived at the scene that period. I think, no more than the support of parents had more power to you.Thus we should be respect our parents and persuade them support our dream, then we feel very happy.

