


1. economize on water; save on water 节约用水 2. Conservation of water is of great importance. 节约用水非常重要。 3. We must economize on water. 我们必须节约用水。 4. The government is appealing to everyone to save water. 政府号召大家节约用水。 5. Please economize the water, thanks for cooperation! 请节约用水谢谢合作! 6. Saving water is to cherish life. 节约用水就是珍惜生命。 7. The power enterprises shall economize on water. 电力企业应当节约用水。 8. Everyone has the accountability to save water and to propagate the concept of treasuring water. 每个人都有责任节约用水,并宣传节约用水。 9. We have to economize on water during the dry season 我们在旱季不得不节约用水 10. We must conserve water during the drought. 干旱期间我们必须节约用水。




How to Save water
Water is the source of life. It is the most precious resource in the world. Cherish water resources, start from a bit. Don't waste, know how to save water, reuse to create a better tomorrow. In daily life, we should call on people around us to wash their hands and turn off the tap, and the water after washing the dishes can also be taken to water the flowers. In addition, we also need to protect the environment, low-carbon life.
We should protect the water and avoid pollution. We want low carbon life, not disorderly felling, resulting in soil erosion. We should educate children to cherish water and not waste it. I hope everyone can cherish water resources. I hope that "the last drop of water is your tear" doesn't happen.

